Why Kenya?


 Currently 100% of funds donated through Well Loved are being directed to programs in kenya, Africa


Kenya has a population over 50 milion, but The statistics are stark: nearly 40% (20 million!) of Kenyans lack access to clean, accessible water sources, resulting in almost 70% of the population living near or under the poverty line.



Women and children make long, dangerous, exhausting journeys to collect dirty water for their families. A lack of private toilets in schools causes many girls to leave when they start menstruating. Health centers are overcrowded and many have no access to water, resulting in inadequate sanitation. All of this leads to disease outbreaks:

7 of every 100 children die before turning five.


agriculture remains the backbone of the Kenyan economy, but It’s nearly impossible to survive on agriculture without access to water.

Access to clean water helps solve the many factors that perpetuate poverty, like nutrition, health, education, and being able to generate an income.

Many girls and boys living in kenya will be smiling because of your gifts and support. your generosity provides clean water to drink, latrines at home and school, and hand-washing stations nearby to keep clean and healthy. It lifts families out of extreme poverty and brings hope for their future!
